Monday, September 22, 2014

Aloha Hawaii

Simon and I went to Hawaii back in October 2012 and I am now just finishing it. I'm not to sure why it took me so long to write this up. Maybe it was that I didn't want to share it with anyone. Maybe it was that my Grandfather had died a few months before we went. Or maybe it was the unseen and unfortunate circumstances that happened after we returned. With everything that happened before and after, it was a wonderful, magical trip that I will never forget. I find Hawaii singing to me telling me to go back.

So when it came time to determine where in Hawaii we were going and where we were going to stay, we felt that it's our first trip to paradise so we went all out. We picked Oahu and stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikki Beach. We stayed for 7 days. This is one place that you have to book direct and can't go through a travel site. To save a little money we went ahead and got the breakfast package with the room.  This was a great idea and I would do it again. We asked for a room with an ocean view. We weren't sure just how much of a view this would be until we got there. The nice woman at the check in counter told us that they had overbooked the rooms that we would have been in. Because of this, we got a free upgrade to the Rainbow Tower. Not a problem here as those are usually the more expensive rooms.
This was our view when we opened the curtains to the patio.
  The view took our breath away. Right below was the pool area and you could see Diamond Head.
The pool below us.

Diamond Head


I was so happy that we stayed at the Hilton. The village had everything that we needed. We could have just hung out on the beach and do our shopping there without ever going out to see the island and city. However we wanted to get out of the resort and see the Island. 

The second day we were there we got a 7 day pass to the Waikki Trolly. This was worth it! The first ride we took was to the mall. Holy cow! That was a zoo as it's a huge tourist site. The best part of it was the food court. Different restaurants from around the world. It was so packed I grabbed a table while Simon went to find us a meal. He found a Japanese place and got us Cold Soba Noodles and tempera shrimp and sweet potatoes. It was so hot that the cold noodles and Iced Green Tea was perfect to cool us off. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures.

Before heading back we stopped in the ABC Store (They are ALL OVER THE PLACE!) and a local market that was in the mall that sold Beard Papa.  Because it was so packed with people and parts of the mall was outside, we couldn't wait to get out of there.

The next day we hoped back onto the Trolly and took the Green Line. It loops around Waikiki and goes into Diamond Head. At any point if we wanted, we could get off and walk around. What was also really nice is that the Trollies had a stop in front of the Hilton.

A stop just outside of the entrance to Diamond Head.

The route was fun. It took us through the "Beverly Hills" area. Basically multimillion dollar homes. The film studio where Hawaii Five O is filmed and other movies that have been there and in to Diamond Head. I have to say, the inside of Diamond Head looks like  Colorado.   

The next day we took the Red Line. It took us around downtown Honolulu and by China Town. The drivers on both routes were full of knowledge of the history of the city and the sites.

We ended up buying most of our meals or snacks at the ABC Store that was in the Village. These stores are everywhere. The best way to describe them is that they are like 7/11s or Walgreens. We got some beach toys, some of our souvenirs and a pair of swim shoes. I usually got mix fresh fruit to eat. I swear on my life, the pineapple is to die for. I couldn't get enough of it! My one regret that we didn't do is mail some home. Simon usually got Spam Musubi. I did try it but I really like my spam cooked over an open camp fire. 
The stores also had music, lotions and clothing. By going to the ABC Stores, we actually saved a lot of money instead of eating all our meals at the hotel restaurants.

Now, I'm not saying that we didn't eat at some of the restaurants that were in the Hilton Village, we did. Just don't be surprised at the prices. The food was good and the drinks were better. 

The last two days that we were there we booked two tours through the hotel. One took us around the Island and the other to Pearl Harbor/ USS Missouri.  

The first one we did was the trip around the Island. We had a wonderful guide. The first stop was the Dole Plantation. She suggested that the first thing we do is get in line to get a scoop of Pineapple Ice-cream. Simon went one better and got us Pineapple Ice-cream Smoothy. It was sooo good! We also picked up some Christmas gifts for family while we were here. Then we got our most expensive purchase. When you go, DO NOT take a key for a treasure chest. I repeat DO NOT TAKE IT! We ended up buying a pearl gold necklace. The Sales Lady was very nice but very good at her job. She could sell ice to the Eskimos. What we thought would be a couple hundred dollars ended up being $600. We failed to ask how much the chain was. Sticker shock hit us hard and we were still in shock at the next stop on the tour that we didn't even walk over to the beach. We spent the time looking over funds. Because we had been careful with spending we were fine but it was still a shock.
Simon taking a drink after going over our funds.

 The drive along the north shore was gorgeous. The next big stop was a Macadamia Nut Farm. This was fun. We shared fresh coconut milk from the coconut. It was so refreshing and cooled me off nicely. Our Guide recommended a lotion that helps with sore backs. I would have gotten some but the necklace was still weighing heavily on my mind.
  On the same farm, they have part of their land for film and TV sets, like Lost, First 50 Dates, and others. It was a lot of fun to see these sets and the mountains that appear in Jurassic Park.


The next stops were at the Battle of Nu'uanu and Eternity Beach . The views were was spectacular! 

The Battle of Nu'uanu
The over look from the Battle of Nu'uanu.
Eternity Beach

The last day we went to Pearl Harbor. Before my grandfather died, I promised him that we would go to Pearl Harbor. He was in the Navy and he disabled sea mines. He was stationed on a number of ships and subs but the one that I remember was that he was on the USS Missouri. We did the tour of Pearl Harbor and went over to the Arizona. It was a very humbling experience. We liked how it was neutral in explaining the whys, giving voice to both sides. They have a museum and a time line of the events. Then, before you get on a boat that takes you to the Arizona Memorial , you watch a documentary on Pearl Harbor.

Those that died on the USS Arizona.

The survivors that have died and are now buried with their brothers at arms.

After visiting the USS Arizona, we went to tour the USS Missouri. This was my favorite part of Pearl Harbor. I think it was because I got to see where my Grandfather had walked and worked at some point in his Navy career. 
Standing at the entrance to the USS Missouri.

After Pearl Harbor, we headed back to the hotel to wait for our ride to the airport. People say not to visit Pearl Harbor on your last day as it is very sobering. I honestly don't know when it would be a good time to visit but I encourage everyone to go at some point. 

Hawaii was a wonderful experience that we won't forget. We plan on going back. Not sure when but we want to go to one of the other islands. Even now, two years later, I still think of swimming in the ocean with golden rain falling and Simon singing to me "White Sandy Beach of Hawai'i" by Israel Kamakwiwo'ole.

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